Friday, March 21, 2008

Meeting the parents...

What is it about meeting the parents of the "hun" in your life that can render even the most self assured person unsure. Maybe it is the "I-hope-they'll-love-me-ness" or "will-I-love-them-ness" or even the notion of being put on show for approval... it leaves one feeling flustered. What shall I wear? How should I sit? Where should I sit? What should I say? What should I not say? What gift to bring? Sigh..... Too many questions and no right or wrong answers.

I guess the best one can do is be themselves and let come what may. It certainly does not help the churning in the mind. But at least it leaves control freaks with (some?) control.

Deep breath. Sigh......


sista said...

….now that’s news! …I know you wont… but I am older and therefore allowed to say this (repeatedly if need be): “Don’t sell yourself short!”

…and don’t you go “I know! Mum! “ on me!

…and focus on the “hun” ….it’s him you need to be sure of….but sure enough the parents will “tell” a lot about “him”....if you know how to look and if you are not blinded by love to information that is there to be gleaned. They are a mine of pertinent information – go mine it….and while you are at it…….go knock ‘em dead!

sista said...

I guess that is two this week:

Earlier I asked the grocery store clerk for a "peanut free peanut butter bar" (I wanted a peanut free chocolate chip chewy bar actually!)

Now my enthusiasm for my dear friend made me forget that Shahnaz just as likely may not be writing events current.

mmmmmm..thats OK!...atleast my heart is in the right place even if my head is not!

Shafaq said...

sounds someone is planning to tie a knot. Congratulations in advance

Shahnaz said...


What information is there to be gleaned?? Pray tell.... So I can start gleaning.

Love and hugs.