Thursday, April 24, 2008

The monkeys on my back!

I am finally aware of the monkeys I have been dragging around for decades now. I had a talk with them recently. I faced them. I know them. But can I let them of my back. Will I let them off my back? One tends to become attached to the baggage we tote around in our lives. It is familiar, it is confortable, it is sucking the life blood out of us!

Having adressed what my monkey's are, the responsibility rests with me to make a change. I cannot hide behind the blame. I have completed my blaming. I have received acceptance of guilt. But what now? There is nothing now left for me to hide behind.

Now it is my choice. Now it is my effort. Now it is my work. Now it is all my doing.... or not. Will I forever stay stuck in the past. Will I forever let my past be my present. Will I forever pollute my future with baggage from my past?

I resolve not to do so anymore. I am scuffed and raw emotionally. I am humbled by my awareness. I am impressed by my own strength. I am going to see this out. I will emerge a new ME.

I am eager to know and explore the new me.
The process has begun.
Thank You L.V.!
Thank You J.A.!
I am just where I needed to be!


mo said...

The first few steps you take on any journey won't get you where you want to go. But without those first steps and many more that follow, you would always be standing right where you are, thinking, wondering what it would really be like to see your world the way you always dreamed it could be.

There are some roads in life that we must travel alone, even though we may be surrounded by people we love and who love us. Some things in life, such as what you're feeling right now, can't be felt by anyone but you. But what you feel is real, so don't feel you're wrong if you feel down. Just remember, you are not alone at all; everyone who loves you is besides you and will be there with you. You'll find a new strength, a new peace. It just takes a little time.

Shahnaz said...


I needed to hear that. Thanks...

mo said...

You are very welcome sweetie