Thursday, June 12, 2008

Phone Calls that change your life!

(Front row- L to R Hunter, Karen, Kevin, Me)
(Back Row- L to R Amanda, Lolly, Beth, Katie, LV)

I went to bed at 4:00 am yesterday! And this morning, my friend Kevin's phone call woke me up. It changed my life. Kevin always cheers me up. He knows me well enough (being just like me) to where he truly understands.... He got me all excited about our pending trip to Europe.

He gives great tips too- like how I only need to pack three black dresses for going out instead of six and how I should just leave my shoe suitcase at home! (This dude knows me...) I grumbled about my tummy and after he stopped teasing and singing he could relate to the fanatic in me when it comes to the need for flat tummies. He told me he is sneaking in running shoes (so I know I have a running partner in Vienna!) and that we can do pilates together. He is packed and all set to fly out Saturday (I hate him) and he is only taking two carry ons (I hate him more). He has sent in all his summer school assignments (I REALLY hate him) and he sounded in charge and all set (did I mention I HATE HIM!!!) I am jealous. I have not done any of the above yet. I am a procrastinator.

But he did change my life. He got me all excited about my trip. Now I am revved to go. I even chatted with Karen ( who is to be my room mate) and frankly she is as unprepared as I. But what the heck... pish...posh... excitement will get the job done.

I am officially out of the boredom dumps and into OHMIGOSH my procratinatingselfthatletsworkpileup hell! But.... that is a piece of cake. That I can handle. It is the dull, depressive boredom that is anathema to me.

Yup! Kevin's call changed my life. Hugs darling.... see you in Vienna!

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