Friday, September 19, 2008

Smacula's nitpickiness... (eye roll)

Sam informed me that the purpose of the tag was to disclose 10 weird things about me- so here goes:

10- I am a convoluted, impulsive, spontaneous, "fly by the seat of my pants" royal mess!!
(I am a flawed human who is both content in my weirdness and yet has an unfulfillable need to strive for perfection- trouble with perfection is, I never make it!)
9- I want what I want, when I want it and I am NOT afraid to go for it!
(Delayed gratification just IS NOT my thing!)(I live life on my terms and my way- I have no problem with that.... unfortunately other folks have a problem with that :P)
8- I am a thrill junkie!
(Fast cars, Extreme sports, Pushing myself to the limit-I love a challenge and I love testing my limits and raising the bar)(That said I am a risk taker but a calculating risk taker- I never sacrifice safety for a rush. I love life far too much and have no death wish or a mutilation desire)
7- I went through a goth period in life!
(I totally rocked it! I was a cute goth chick... but I never used black lipstick- I did not look good in it. I used a deep burgundy instead, like dark blood. Very Goth. Tr es chic!)
6- Nothing embarrasses me!
(I am serious. I do not blush and nothing fazes me.)
5- I can not lie!
(Some days I wish I could. My face gives it away. The guilt makes me confess the next second. I suck at it!)
4- I get bored very easily!
(I have been known to walk away mid conversation...)
3- I pounce on people!
(If I find them intriguing, I pounce.... BEWARE!)
2- I am unbelievably, hopelessly, irredeemably flawed!
(I know...sigh...but I have accepted it!)
1- I am cursed with a good heart!
(Some days it's a good thing. Some days, it's a bad thing.)


Anonymous said...

Your flaws make you perfect.

Unknown said...

awww... thanks... :)

well... hmmm these were not dat wierd... but it is info nonetheless :D

Unknown said...

all normal !!!

Shahnaz said...

smacks darling

i am not writing any more! you know enough about me as it is.... :P

Unknown said...

lol... u should go and see poisoned apple's blog... shes jus posted her 4th list :D !!!

and wats da harm shahnaz ji... i m not tellin any one am i :D !!!

hasan said...

Hey..Do you have any Goth pics of you? Your Goth period would be a good topic to write about along with some cool pics....