Sunday, April 26, 2009

No man's land...

There is the me I used to be...
There is the me I will become...
And in between is "no man's land"...

A place of confusion
Blurred edges
Discovering and seeing
Crying and weeping
Learning and healing
Growing and pruning

A place of awakening
Opening your eyes
Seeing not avoiding
Facing not running
Strengthening of self
Knowing of self

It is WORK I have been putting off for a while now...
There was never time, or so I thought, and so I said...
There was life to be tended to...
Things got in the way, I let them- get in the way...

Truth be told- I was afraid.

Of what I would find,
Of what lay ahead,
Just past the bend,


Of what I would be...
When I was no longer the me...
I used to be...
And yet,
Not quite the me...
I am to be...


Of the
In Between
The "not knowingness"
Who I am
What I am
Where I am

Of "no man's land"...

I am faded
I am hazy
A little smudged
A little lost
A little scared

Because I realize
I spent a life
Some 25 years
Or so...
Not "feeling"
Because I had to
What I felt
I had to intellectualize
So that I would not hurt
Because the "feeling"
Was so hard...
I dichotomized
The self
And now
I must start over
How to feel...

And there is an ache
That is hard to define
To describe in words
In FEELING words
But let me try...


Sad- for a lifetime-
Hurt- for all the losses and aches
Despondent- for what seems like a waste of past time
Angry- at what seems unfair
Dysphoric-because of all the "bearing in silence"
Embarrassed- because of who may see me struggling and know...
Ashamed- because i feel damaged in a way because i am not "perfect" can never be...
Irritated- because people tell me "who I am" they don't know...
Expunged- because i don't know anymore
Helpless- at times because i am alone
Irked- because i am in a rush to "fix it"
Tired- because i just want a break... to sit... to feel
Needy- because i wish someone would hold me close, hold me tight and not let go...
Fearful- because people do leave, have always left- me...
Proud- and i act like it doesn't hurt- i don't care... but... it does and i do...
Humble- because i know i am blessed by HIM
Hopeful- because despite it all i am doing the "work" at last
Eager- to see the new me


This happens slow
And I know
I am impatient...


I must be
With being ME
Right NOW
Right HERE

For a while... at least

"Hello, My name is Shahnaz...
I used to know who I used to be...
I don't really- not anymore
But I'd really like it if you stayed
I cannot make you- not I
But it feels good to be around
People and so...
I say
Please stay...
I will find myself
In the end
It's no man's land
And while I can walk alone
It FEELS good
To have somewhere I can sit awhile
In silence
And be held close
Who I fear may leave...
If I am not "Perfectly put together and smiling..."
While I take a breath and BE
Just simply
With being here
With being ME
In no man's land..."



fai said...

There is the me I used to be...
There is the me I will become...
And in between is "no man's land"...

waaaoowww...!!!! i m amazed by the way u express your feelings in words...... lovely!!
/me feels the same way nowadays..!!

Ayub said...

Whenever I read your blogs, I become hypnotized….then… the only thing I want to do is THINK…

Anonymous said...

Salaams old friend - I wonder if you remember me and the good ol' days of ICG (bunking off class, hiding from that scary Chemistry teacher and eating raw lemons with salt whilst cowering in the tall grass of the college grounds...... ;-) )

Came across some old photos of us last week and was amazed to find your blog on the internet. So just dropping a warm hello from Scotland, hope you are well and happy. Naima x

Anonymous said...

Isn't the self always a dichotomy: a you, an I and sometimes a we?

Or perhaps it is more compartmentalized.

Hmm, very probing and thought-provoking.

Barooq said...

Doesn't you cup runneth over with all that WOWS:P ?


I loved the Shahnaz of the past i.e. There is the me I used to be...

The more I know new Shahnaz, the more i go away... run away...

believe me Shahnaz. Its true.