Monday, May 25, 2009


Instincts guide our actions most times...

Inherent in us, instincts have sustained the survival of man over the course of history.

'Survival of the Fittest' a phrase often credited to Darwin and used synonymously with his concept of 'Natural Selection'- was actually introduced by Herbert Spencer, philosopher and sociologist.

I remember being introduced to this concept by my mother- a sociologist and studied it in depth during my many years in psychology and the social sciences.

And yet, it is something that I realized I have overlooked most recently. Instincts have guided me to make decisions in the past. There was a very good reason why I made those decisions and yet I have gone against my better judgement and made adjustments to those decisions. As I sit and ponder over specifics today, I cannot help but wonder- WHY??

Why have I allowed myself to be thus misled. Past experience has shown me what is reliable and what is not. I know better than to fall for the same trick twice- and yet I have...

I have labelled it 'benefit of doubt' and thus cloaked I have made concession for mistakes.

You cannot dwell in the past, but must always learn from it.
When history is staring you right in the eye- will you meet its gaze or will you look away, feign distraction, ignorance, naivete even...
Will you turn inward- let a well honed instinct, a gut reaction lead you through...
And what if instinct gets blurred, by distraction, new information...


They are tough to recognize...

I have a theory...
It is mostly hogwash-
But it helps me keep things straight.
I believe there is an animal essence inside each of us. Which instills those particular traits and qualities unique to that animal in the person.
Philip Pullman- English novelist- spoke a little to something similar in his 1995 fantasy trilogy "His Dark Materials"....

I cannot recall when I concocted my theory- I think it was after I read a short story by Edgar Allan Poe in which a woman after undergoing eye surgery begins to see more of reality in people, begins to see their true shape and form- as animals in human guise- serpents with forked tongues, carnivorous beasts, docile innocents, and manipulative vixens...

The story made a great impression on me. (I think it was by Poe...)

I have realized that if I can detect the animal within the humans I know, it helps me recognize them better.

And then there are the shape shifters- who can transform and deceive... It is important to make note of who they actually are. What their animal is... so that even if the wolf comes in the guise of a lamb, one can remember that it is a mask that it wears...

I have allowed myself to be misled by masks lately-
It is back to the basic instincts for me...
What animal are you?
And what mask do you wear?

So much easier to see when one is clear sighted...


Adnan Rahim said...

Life comes in chapters…once a chapter is closed then one should never try to re-open it…one should never try to re-born its characters…one should never try to compare the characters of a closed chapters with the characters of current chapter. Because it destroys the basic principle of life i.e. “Risk”.
Our life, people around us and other things…they are not in our control…doesn’t matter how intelligent planner we are….but still we cannot fully understand what a person is made of? What is inside him/her? What kind of animal is residing inside him/her….You know why? Because as a human being we, ourselves, do not know what type of animal is inside us…that animal doesn’t show the face easily…its survival is based on circumstances…

For you to create those circumstances in order to see someone’s real face….it is impossible….as I said, we don’t control everything….

The moment you take a step, the universe unfolds all possible ways for your next step and then you choose….If you fail or feel betrayed then it means you are alive and trying to live a life. Then you take another step and follow the same cycle. You were given choices and you were supposed to select one.

It doesn’t mean one should not learn from past mistakes….one should definitely learn….but you should not let your experiences control your whole life..don’t start comparing each and every move of yours with your past…because it destroys the basic factor of life i.e. “Risk” and without this factor you will be considered dead.

Shahnaz said...

Very true! And very well stated...


YM said...

Cynicism is only an idealism; broken & unfulfilled, defeated & disappointed.

Adnan Rahim said...

You are always welcome Shahnaz :)