Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The old-The new- and Everything in between...

When your past overflows into your present, blurring the sharp edges that you have been striving to define...

When old people, places, thoughts and feelings, leak into the new and turn muddy, the waters that you have persevered to filter clear...

When you struggle with the question- Am I better off knowing or not knowing?

When there is an ache, and a frustration. A tug and a sigh... A thought and a heartbeat that leaves you feeling awry...

That is when you have entered the land of


You may exorcise old demons
But they will still rear up unexpectedly to remind you-
There is unfinished business still.

You may put the past to rest
Let it go-
But will it, can it
Put YOU to rest
Let YOU go?

There is a dull ache
From a now forgotten memory-
There is a sharp gasp
From a past experience now relived

There are lessons learned
That need "unlearning"
There are familiar fears
That need a new "seeing"
There are molds of "old" people
That should not be used
To size up "new" people

And yet there are lessons learned
And experiences had
That have defined
And have taught
And thus
Can one so easily
The wisdom acquired
From the past

How can a balance be found
To learn from the old
And experience the new
Without bias and prejudice
To take some and leave some
To remember
To forget
The old
The new
And everything in between...

The delicate balance
The exquisite wisdom
The poignant irony
The gracious awareness

That we are all
At some point in time
Caught in the midst of



Unknown said...

beautiful :) x

Hammad Khan said...

Usually What ever comes in my outh or mind i spit it out...

But your this blog have just made me think of my life also..

Now i feel like im standing between a point starting from, when i was born and ending when i will die..(Just a Mathematical Thought)

Anyways my point is how much we will have to learn from the past as we move forward in our life, we were at some time of point in the past have already gained from the past from that point. So we have tp start from the point from which we have left in the past, thinking or gaining something from the past from that point... So main thing is as often we think about our past, and try to get anything helpful for our present, the time period will become short and say what it will create balance between new experience and the past...

If some1 do not understand just take a thread and say the starting point is as i already said when we were born and the end is when we will die... so start moving from starting point to end point and stop at point and cut the thread(It's the point when we ponder about our past, cuz next time if we try to ponder on our past we have already gone through this phase so as we move forward we will not need it) so .. it will go on untill we die... so as often we do that smaller will be the distance and it tr to create balance...

Sorry Shahnaz Baji i may have more complicated your thoughts.... here... its not my fault its the fault of my nature.. its try go down in the sea as much as it could (when it is being pushed).. and your blog pushed it.. its really a very thought provocative blog...and im bit Sci-Fi also :p


Probably, we should admit that we have a strong relation with our past, present and times to come. We cannot break it even if we try to. Its simply not easy to exorcise old demons but possible. The only way out I see is if we keep ourselves busy in work, people we love and stay connected to Allah. Otherwise the Satan (the past) has all the strength to kill us.

Arnav said...

Beautiful :)
Like you said we really cannot let go of our pasts , so we should accept it , learn from it and look forward and pretend that except the learning from the past nothing else remains...

Keep Writing and smiling