Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday morning blues...

A little Jack Johnson, a little James Blunt and some residual heartache to add to the usual Monday morning blues.

Learning to live without. Learning to control the urge to reach out and call or write to him.

Some days I wonder, does he ever think of me. Love is love and I can't control- Some gets lost and some gets old... Wish you well my love. Have a wonderful holiday. I hope you find all good things in life...


ei-portal said...

Whats your occupation?

Shahnaz said...

i am a counselor humayun-

Calm Cool said...

"Learning to live without. Learning to control the urge to reach out and call or write to him.

Some days I wonder, does he ever think of me. Love is love and I can't control-"

blues are so deeply shared :(

Anonymous said...

Some days i think that...but the truth is we want them happy but -with us. Not with someone else. We wish them happiness because we're selfish as we hope good karma may give us something in return for wishing good on others...

let me know what u think, Shahnaz, please