Friday, January 6, 2012

Sorry I kissed you in New York City!


Damn stupid autocorrect-
That was the glorious gist of the msg I sent a gal pal via mobile the other day!
The intended communication-

Sorry I MISSED you in the city.

Well I am reminded of my biggest flub of this past summer at the beach. I was gone on vacation and my landscaper had texted me twice asking about his payment check. I texted him back (long nails and all...) and this is what he received-

I am kinky suzy all week. I'll be back on Sunday and you can have it then. 

I was horrified when I saw what had been sent out.
The intended msg-

I am at the beach all week. I'll be back on Sunday and you can have it then.

A friend floated this out of fb yesterday and it had me in fits of laughter...

Happy laughing!

1 comment:


A smartphone can kill you any time... Touchpad has its own evens and odds.

My advice >> Read twice before your tap "SEND" :)