Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Sisters raise your sons and daughters

Who raised these men?
Who seek to rescue me
Own me
Control me
And ridicule me?

Who raised these men?
Who talk down to my friends and fawn and gush
And can't seem to compliment anything but their looks- physical attributes...

Who raised these men?
Who don't realize the skill
And talent and brains 
Of the women they behold daily 

Who raised these men
Who dishonor and rape
And beat and yet think
It is their strength they uphold?

Who raised them?
Who raised these men?

Where are my sisters?

Too busy in gossip
Too busy ripping other women apart
Too busy competing with each other
For a man's attention

Who are you sir?
You put down my friend
And compliment me?
She and I are one you see
Disrespect her and you disrespect me

What happened to mothers?
How did theses men
Birthed from wombs
Learn how to spit in a woman's face?

Wake up my sister!
Chastise your son!
He mistreats a woman
He mistreats you!

Wake up my sister!
You watch him cheat
He cheats with you
If he cheats on her
He cheats on you

Wake up my sister
Help me up
If you put me down
You put you down too

Be a woman, dear sister 
Dear sister 
Raise your spirit
Raise your sons
Raise your daughters
Raise you too

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Locke- mentor, friend and fellow human

I cannot do funerals. 

 I'm not good at goodbye's I never have been. I'm even worse with the goodbye's I did not get to say.

 I went over conversations and looked through all my emails and text messages from Don Locke, and sat with my thoughts for a while. 

I am trying to find some peace and one email in particular, is the one I'm holding on too.

We were sky divers, Don Locke and I. We talked of risk taking and standing for what we believe no matter the cost, and we talked of life! The LIVING part of life, the part where you must live- loud, proud and unafraid, owning who you are and what you are!

We had talked of bucket lists too- And today amid my tears I hope he got every last check mark on his...

And it seems fitting to use a skydiving term to wish my dear friend good bye- 


Fly high!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Milk and honey- the night she read to me

The words she reads
Echo my life
Her life
We weep

This child of mine
Is exquisite
And her soul

We talk through
The book she reads
I know why 
She weeps

We speak of fathers
Of lovers 
Of love
Of self love 

She tells me 
I'm strong
I tell her
YOU make me strong

She finds herself afraid
And excited to grow
To be
Like me

I am content
To be me
And having a daughter
Who wants to be like me

I am 
I begin to see
Exactly where the universe
Intended me to be

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Way to God

I thought back to the days we played together...
We laughed
We cried 
We grew up together
And now it's hard to recall
We once were that way
In judgement now
He stands before me
With a verdict on his lips
He who I have always fought for
He who never fought for me
How fast the times change
How it stings the most 
When those that hurt you
You love the most
And so it goes
You judge me
Shall I judge you too?
For judging me...
It's easier for me
Now to forgive
Your ignorance 
I'm exhausted from speaking
Always saying my piece
You will believe 
What you choose to believe
It's easier for me
To simply walk away
There's your way
And my way
And how many wars will we wage
Over the ways
That lead to God?