Friday, November 25, 2022


"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for..."

If you are seeking safety, this post isn't for you. If, however you are interested in facing up to life, read on. Life was not meant to be easy. Life was meant to challenge you to expose the innate strengths that you were equipped with. As a Musalman (Alhamdullilah), I'm a firm believer that we have a purpose that we are put on this earth for. 

Each challenge serves to bring out in me the qualities that are the gifts I will need to live my purpose on this earth.  The reason, Allah subhanna wa taallah put me on this earth for. When I look back at the life I've lived it has been a rough road full of unexpected twists and turns and yet it has been so easy on me. Not in the moment- no. In the thick of it I was barely holding on by the skin of my teeth and yet, my being was adapting, growing, becoming the person that I needed to be to overcome what I faced.

I stand today a humble and scarred old she-wolf carried on the prayers of my mother and father and the grace of Allah. Take the hits as they come. Resist the urge to avoid them. Face them head on and allow them to break you and unmake you because in the end you will be remade to be who you were meant to be. There is no evidence that who you are is better than who you can become.

Step into the unknown and even as your heart is thumping in fear, say a prayer and hold your ground. Allah has a plan for you. Trust HIM and let go. You will land exactly where you are meant to be.

Peace and blessings.