Saturday, April 15, 2023



The world will fuck with you a thousand different ways. Those in awe of you will shy away or put you down, reject you and make you feel small. 

Don’t let that bother you. 

They can only harm you and diminish you if ‘you’ exists…

I’ll let you in on a little secret. There is no you, there is no me. There is only HUUU and HE. If you understand this and diminish yourself before HIM then HE shines forth through you. And what a magnificent sight that is! Who then can stand before HIM shining through you.

I am not afraid because I am protected by HIM. 

Be not afraid because you too are protected by HIM. The only caveat is surrender….. 

And yet why would you not surrender wholeheartedly to such magnificence. 

SubhanAllah on laylatul qadr, dance ecstatically and fall like a maniac on your knees and surrender!

SURRENDER And then see how HE shines HIS GRACE upon you…