Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Faith hope and love

A state of non attachment 
Will lead you to joy...
Like waves on the shore
That come and go
So do life events
They will pass through
Porosity will ensure

Akin to the unbreakable heart
That feels all
And let's all go
Emotions flow through
Like visitors 
Welcome them all
Let none rule you
Save three
And Love


zoona said...

how beautiful!

Anonymous said...

as a child, i had a crush on you, back in life when ABC was telecasted on ptv.. you were such a beautiful person then.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere how 30s is supposed to be better than 20s and how you get better at non-attachment. I don't think it's the number that does the trick. Perhaps, just the right lessons and then you learn.

Anonymous said...
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