Thursday, November 22, 2007

And I lost....

It didn't happen overnight. It took awhile I know. I didn't even realize I wanted- not until I lost....... you know.

I sit here today and think my thought. I ponder over my loss. I almost knew what I wanted, and then life happened and I was tossed in a whirlwind. As I whipped around in circles, somehow I lost my focus.... along the way I was distracted- sometimes impatient, sometimes chasing after sparkle.

That is how I lost. And the sad part is that I only realized it was exactly what I wanted only after the loss. Do we always want what is out of reach? When it is ours for the having we set it aside. But did I ever have it. Could I have had it had I only asked? Was I the one supposed to ask? Could you not have asked? You did... sort of... Did I not want then? And when I did ask you did not want... And now here you are and here I am...

And all is lost.


Unknown said...

Aaah... the exact thankless nature of the human race put in beautiful words...

Shahnaz said...

Loss... inevitable. And we do it all to ourselves. So at the end of the day there is no one to blame but us.

Oh well.... Such is life.

Especially Life a la Shahnaz... :S

mo said...

C'est la vie, but pourquoi? Why doesn't life stay in the sweetness of spring or the mirth of summer, why does it have to see the fall or the silent whispers of a winter?

Shahnaz said...

Because without the chill of winter, the summer sun is without warmth... and without the blaze of Autumn, the colours of spring are pale.

Anonymous said... may be the age factor but I no longer "not value what I have" even as I constantly,daily, sanely (the prefix dropped deliberately) crave that which I do not have, I still recognize and cherish that which I do.

How much loss is inevitable and how much in the end will we able to take? I cannot afford the realization that I lost what was there for the taking in craving that which was lost!

I cherish both - I love you both.

shahnaz, what says the youth: is that cowardice/compromise or....not?