Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pooh Bear

Ever known a human who had NOISE inside their head?
The whirling, churning, deafening sound of thoughts that were always cooking up in that little space-
Well that is me!

I have a noisy head.
I think ALL the time.
And I don't intend it...
It just is-

My favorite moments, however, are those in which I have a quiet mind.
Those blissful seconds during which I am at peace.
At peace.

I get to that place from time to time on my own...
Jump out of a plane at 18000 feet- 90 seconds of free fall and three and a half minutes of drifting through air will afford me 5 minutes of that feeling.

Riding a prize stallion over a jump course demands concentration- and yes, that too will afford me a few moments of silent bliss. On occasion painting will get me there...

And then there are those people- in whose presence- there is a "feeling" of peaceful silence, stillness, contentment.

I love being around those people.
They give me peace-
My mind is silent in their company.
I am free.
I am me.
With them....

A walk on the beach...
Dancing as the sun sets and the band plays and the waves break on the shore.
Lying down in the sun as the little whirling pin-wheel brings back memories of music videos and embarrassing "lost" moments while you laugh non-stop...
Goofy Russian accents!
That come to life at airports...
Climbing up walls.
Holding hands.
Saturday afternoons.


Those are Pooh Bear moments-
Warm Fuzzy
Puddle of Goo moments!


Unknown said...

First time visitor to your blog. Was watching ABC the other day and someone told me you are also in NC. I'm a grad student at NC state myself. Anyway, so nice to find you online and blogging about life. Have fun, all the best!


I always had a feeling that your mind is never at rest but thinking, thinking and thinking…. So I was right.
We ask questions to ourselves in our head.
We quarrel with others and ourselves in our thoughts without saying any harsh word.
We blame others and ourselves without letting them know.
We boycott the world without leaving its hands.
We think that other person should also think the way we do without forcing them. We nurture expectations.
We think that other party could have done/said this or that.
We do all this silently. We humans...

Lucky are those whose mind is at peace most of the times.

Hamza said...

Are you the one from Alpha Bravo Charlie? WOW! And you really are a poet! But I must say you really are artistic. I was like 3 when the ABC use to air on Television..And because I don't live in Pakistan, I never heard of you guys until the day my parents told me about this show.And now I think I know all about you guys. It's really great to see you blogging.

Wick said...

these 'few' moments often turns into the assets of lifetime ... these are the brief times when we are none other than ourselves... rather we are on our way to recognize ourselves ... the greater the time spent in this phase, the better one can understand his own being ....

Ehsan said...

how r u doing?
its the very first time that ive joined a blog site. i normally dnt get time for that.
anyways i googled you and found this site, and the reason is that i am done watching alpha bravo charlie on youtube the other day. it was my all time fav drama. You, captain qasim were really honest with your roles. simple, natural acting. i loved the situation at hotel. i really really enjoyed his and your pashto.
are you guys in touch?
anyways i hope that i will be writing regularly and we can be friends.
da Allah pa amaan
Ehsan from Peshawar

Ehsan said...

hey shahnaz
just saw ur skydiving video on youtube, it was awsome, i wish i also do it one day. what were ur feelings when u were flying in the air?

Anonymous said...

I suppose you are taking time to clear your mind? or may be you are just busy? or not feeling inspired to write a new post? Your posting frequency is usually higher than this or was at least in the recent few weeks.
You see, you have a healing circle going on here :D There is a beautiful contagious vibe in your posts that we are all addicted to so please write soon. But do take your time and write whenever you feel inspired to or have taken time for yourself to still your mind, etc.

Ali said...

I agree with amna.. S.. writers block..

Samreen niazi said...

hi shahnaz..

no blog since two weeks now .. we all hope alls ok at ur end.. desperately waiting for ur artistic piece of mind ..
loads of love