Friday, July 11, 2014

Warfare- people vs. humans

There comes this point in a conflict where both sides start to look the same. There is hatred and anger on both sides. It's the brink of madness because there is no way of knowing who is in the right anymore. In that madness is a strange clarity. You don't see a right side and a wrong side but you do begin to identify who is acting with right heart and awake conscience and who is not. That state I think is our HUMANITY. I think that state is what Rumi meant when he wrote 

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase "each other" doesn't make any sense."

I have a feeling that is what peace is...I have a feeling that is what my ONE human race concept is, like Rumi said "each other" doesn't make sense because all are equal and ONE. There us no "other".... I think humans know of peace. 

I think there are 'people', and then there are 'humans'. I think it is impossible to expect 'people' to make peace. I think HUMANS need to work on the task of making peace.

I think people must first make peace with their demons in order to become human. I think hatred is a demon. I think love and understanding heals hate.

I think a lot of 'people'will laugh at me and call me a dreamer. 

I think the 'humans' will understand what I say...

#peace #helpGaza


Unknown said...

i like the way Rumi explore the true meaning of love and he is spiritual teacher for me.

Unknown said...

I totally stand by you, Yes You are right, people forget humanity

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful article this is,i totally agree with You,and what a way You are thinking .thanks a lot for this..