Monday, June 9, 2008

Men a la sex and the city....

"The bad ones screw you....the good ones screw you.... and the rest don't know how to screw you!" (Sex and the City- The Movie)

My friend Pam and I laughed hysterically at this dialogue. In light of the conversation she and I had been having just prior to the movie on the drive there- touche! We were catching up on a few months worth of gossip and "tell all".... and I have to admit, for someone who has a ton of guy friends and very few girlfriends.... it is moments like these that can never be shared with a guy. Which is why I am ever so blessed to have my (few) true (and few they shall remain!)girlfriends.

It was a true chick flick. And much like taking a straight guy to a gay bar demonstrates power....ladies taking your guy to this flick most certainly demonstrates power. But I enjoyed it with my girlfriend, who knows it all and we tell it all like it is and make no excuses. We are who we are and we want what we want! We laughed. We talked. We had fabulous fun.

And despite the fairytale ending... (I thought on it long and hard and in the end I too would have done the same thing in a New York second) it was good fun! To the Samantha, Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda in all of us...To the "Big's" in our life- whom we will always love, who make our hearts skip a beat every time... To girlfriends... and last but certainly not least- To our fabulous, foolish selves!
To Sex! And the "City"!!
To Pam
And "Big"
Good times.... great times....


Mohican said...

Based on the notion that movies are supposed to be an escape, I think fairytale endings are good. We have our real lives for all the realistic endings that we want! :)

I saw "The Fall" over the weekend and it was great. Also saw "Once" once again in the open air museum theater. Both movies are highly recommended.

Unknown said...

I have not seen it yet ... and have never been able to warm up to the show even...

Though I have to admit... I saw the show more for the SEX and the city ... and less for the girls... obviously women have a different opinion... lol... or maybe not...

But it does seem like a different world... mind you back then I had spent most of my time in Pakistan... and my female friends were (or...are) not so open about such issues... !

mo said...

It seems nice ... I usually see movies by myself and this one is more of a friend's movies, so will skip probably ...