Monday, January 31, 2011

confuddled thoughts

Completely confuddled and confused today- Jumbled thoughts in an upside down way...

And interestingly- the music of this song- "World at Large" is the same as "Float On"- also by Modest Mouse... The tempo is different for this one.

Somewhere on the hard drive of my computer I have a video of "him" that I made while he played guitar hero to "Float On". It was the first time I had visited him at his place. I remember that like it was yesterday...

Same tune- different tempo
Same people-different zone
Same feeling-different tone

And around and around and around I go
Confused, lost, in circles-
Round and round and round
Just spinning
Like a wheel
Like a little girl
Like a pinwheel in the breeze...

And then speaking of pinwheels- there's that first day at the beach- and again
Confused, lost, circling, spinning
"Floating on"- trying to make my way in "The world at large..."

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