Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lazy Saturday Afternoons... being in love... and "Falling Slowly"

I love lazy Saturday afternoons... laying out in the sun and rolling in the warm afternoon grass. Thinking of loves... and times past, present and those yet to come... Days like these make it easy to see how truly fabulous it is to be alive.

The first feeling of "falling slowly" in love is the most exquisite one. There is the innocence and freshness and anticipation. Times when you just have to see the other. Now. Waylay them...Lure them away from other commitments and engagements simply for the bliss of being with them. Even though you just saw them a few hours ago... you never seem to be able to get enough of them. That feeling is just compounded and amplified with the glorious sunny weather of a new spring- when everything is just beginning to bloom again after the long, cold winter. Hearts that have been numb are warmed again and burst into song with happiness and excitement.

MS to MP
Oh behave...(6)
And please do protect yourself!

PS: Parents were great. Dad was in the bag within the first few minutes... and Mom, well let's just say I think she liked me.... but then is there ever a mom who loved the woman her son loves, the first time she met her? 1 out of 2 ain't bad!

The HUN loves moi and that, darlings, is that!
Enough said.


mo said...

Haha, how can any parents not love you! :)

mo said...

Hehe, but aww thats nice. I want to hear the stories!

Shahnaz said...


Haina na!