Thursday, May 29, 2008


The bustle of lives around me irks
The chatter of small talk deafening...
Generally gregarious, I am suffocated
By the press of human contact
I flee the scene
In search of solitude
Jealousy guarding
My space
Withdrawing into the recesses of my mind
I marinade in the juices
Of my musings
The wandering
Bliss of intellect
A safe haven
In the storm
That is life


Mohican said...

Hmm...there are times when I feel exactly the same. Did you ever figure out what triggers this "Introspection"?

Shahnaz said...


In my case I think it is self growth that is occurring. And my mind is processing and churning the new awareness that I have just discovered....but because the picture is foggy, the notes a little hazy, the noise of the outside world (and the distractions) prevent me from sifting through the cobwebs in my mind. Deadlines, responsibilities, mundane stuff- all cobwebs that prevent me from focusing on the wisdom or knowledge that has long been hidden from me and like an artifact that was there all the time....I am just becoming aware of it and it is just coming to light.

We have a wealth of awareness within us. But it not always consciously available to us. The unconscious becoming conscious triggers this for me....
Hence the need for solitude and withdrawal. To sit with my self and speak with my unconscious.

I think...

mo said...

I feel that, usually I can just blame it on New York :P

Anonymous said...

i want to join the club guys :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not good at it but I pray for you Shahnaz. You going to find that kind of guy soon.
P.S: I'm back ha ha finally find an alternative way of browsing your blog.

Mohican said...

You know I wouldn't want the haze to go away and would never let the fog drift away clearly. I feel that if the insides became as clear as the outsides, then they would lose their lure. Sometimes it is just good to walk, and not be sure where you're headed.

And yes, New York can definitely trigger that in you, I think it's the feeling that when you stand still, you can actually see the world spinning around you!

Shahnaz said...

Thanks for the good wishes.

Shahnaz said...


Welcome to the club!

Shahnaz said...


I agree...The complete lifting of the haze would render life dull and bland. It is the search that makes life interesting and the fact that knowing comes in small increments that have to be sought after....

I am a huntress and the rush is all about the chase. I definitely agree.

mo said...

"And yes, New York can definitely trigger that in you, I think it's the feeling that when you stand still, you can actually see the world spinning around you!"

That's so very true :)